2022 CSTE Annual Conference Workshops
Sunday, June 19, 2022
We are currently planning for some conference workshops to be held in-person and other workshops as virtual. In-person workshop will only be accessible to attendees in Louisville, KY. Virtual attendees and in-person attendees in Louisville, KY will be able to access virtual workshops. However, if circumstances change due to public health recommendations for group gatherings, then all portions of the conference may be held virtually. Virtual sessions may be hosted with recorded presentations and presenting authors required to attend during the session time for live questions and answers. Workshop recordings may be available for on-demand viewing after the workshop, but determinations will be made at a later date on available access options. The workshop schedules are subject to change and times will refer to Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Registration for full conference or one-day (Sunday) as in-person or virtual may only register for one (1) workshop. Due to preparations required to provide attendees with customized links prior to conference dates, all attendees must register no later than May 31, 2022. Attendees must register in order to access program information and for virtual attendees their individualized platform link. Registrations this year are not refundable after May 31, 2022. And, due to capacity limits at this time for in-person attendance and individualized platform access, guest registration will not be available for in-person attendance this year. Onsite registration is not available this year.
Participating or Presenting in a Virtual Session but Attending In-Person?
There will not be dedicated meeting space at the Kentucky International Convention Center for presenting authors or moderators to facilitate virtual breakouts, roundtables, or workshop during the conference or for attendees to participate in virtual sessions. If you are giving a virtual presentation, moderating a virtual session, or joining a virtual session while attending the conference in-person, it is recommended to do so from your hotel room to help minimize distractions and background noise. All hotel rooms booked within the CSTE block receive complimentary in-room internet access.
Sunday – June 19, 2022
8:00 AM – 5:15 PM
An Introduction to Molecular Epidemiology for Epidemiologists (IN-PERSON ONLY)
CSTE staff contact: Lindsay Jordan Pierce
CSTE, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will host a full-day training workshop that will provide a broad overview of pathogen genomics for epidemiologists. Workshop attendees will gain introductory knowledge of next-generation sequencing and genome assembly, sequence comparison and phylogeny, epidemiologic and phenotypic inference, and available resources. Didactic sessions will be paired with exercises and real world case studies.
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Chronic Disease, Maternal and Child Health, and Oral Health (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Exploring Data Visualization and Communication with a Health Equity Lens
CSTE staff contact: Valerie Goodson
The Chronic Disease, Maternal and Child Health and Oral Health Steering Committee will host a joint workshop focused on building skills to improve data visualization and communication with a health equity lens. Workshop participants will receive access to a pre-workshop webinar series that will highlight many of the introductory aspects of data visualization. The in-person workshop will feature the training course and conclude with a networking session to discuss peer-to-peer learning and collaboration-based on priorities identified by subcommittee members and co-chairs.
- Define health equity
- Define data visualization principles
- Explore best practices for communicating data with various audiences (i.e., decision makers, stakeholders, general public)
- Understand how different audiences think and remember information
- Increase retention of information from presentations
- Tailor messages to help stakeholders remember key points (ex. policy makers, general public)
- Develop skill sets to make data aesthetically pleasing and easy to understand
- Learn the language of communications departments, in order to bridge the gap between epidemiologists, public information officers, and communications
- Tailor appropriate messages to the topic and audience, and change presentation of information based on the medium (ex. print, Website, infographic, press release, tweets, presentations)
- Develop strategies for creating different communication messages
10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Enteric Disease (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Novel Laboratory, Epidemiology, and Communication Approaches for Enteric Disease
Investigation and Response
CSTE staff contact: Beth Daly
CSTE, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will host an enteric disease surveillance workshop for epidemiologists. The purpose of this workshop is to engage in meaningful discussions surrounding the changes in foodborne, waterborne and environmental surveillance and outbreak investigations. Presenters and attendees will include CSTE members, enteric diseases subcommittee leadership, members of the Council to Improve Foodborne Outbreak Response (CIFOR) and CDC representatives from the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases (DFWED).
10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Environmental Health (VIRTUAL ONLY)
CSTE staff contact: Maria Patselikos
The CSTE Environmental Health Workshop will look to address environmental hazards such as disasters, climate events, exposures, and/or COVID-19 along with potential effects they may have on communities. Workshop attendees will better understand the cross-cutting nature of environmental health and how it intersects with health equity. The objectives of this workshop are to provide relevant and timely learning opportunities for epidemiologists, academia, and public health professionals in the fields of disaster, environmental, and climate epidemiology.
1:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance (VIRTUAL ONLY)
Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop
CSTE staff contact: William Fritch
The Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop is geared toward HAI/AR Program Coordinators, Directors, AR Experts, State and Regional Lab staff, and additional state and local health department staff engaged in HAI/AR prevention and response activities. The workshop discussions will address the needs for health department leadership and state and local collaboration to: make effective use of HAI/AR surveillance data; drive prevention efforts towards national goals; contain AR threats and respond to outbreaks; and promote antibiotic stewardship (AS) to ensure safety, quality, and value in healthcare delivery systems.
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Hepatitis C Surveillance (VIRTUAL)
Hepatitis C Surveillance: Enhancing Prevention, Surveillance, and Elimination Efforts
CSTE staff contact: Symone Richardson
The Hepatitis C Surveillance workshop is targeted toward hepatitis surveillance coordinators, program coordinators, and additional state and local health department staff engaged in hepatitis C virus (HCV) surveillance activities. The workshop discussions will explore the existing capacity of HCV surveillance programs across various jurisdictions, identifying programmatic challenges, technical assistance needs, and opportunities for guidance, standardization, and collaboration as well as strategies to strengthen prevention efforts and pave the path towards elimination. In addition to topical sessions, the workshop will review and have discussions on applying the recently released CDC Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Guidelines.
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Influenza (IN-PERSON ONLY)
National Meeting of Influenza Surveillance Coordinators
CSTE staff contact: Mimi Puckett , Monica Schroeder
CSTE, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will be hosting an Influenza Surveillance Coordinators Workshop on Sunday, June 19, 2022, in conjunction with the CSTE Annual Conference. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for jurisdictions and CDC to discuss current themes in influenza and other respiratory virus surveillance, especially as it relates to COVID-19, and to strengthen relationships and cooperation between influenza programs from health departments around the country. Invited participants include Influenza Surveillance Coordinators from state, territorial, and large local health departments. Participants will also include representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This workshop is open to all registered attendees.
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Injury Surveillance (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Data to Action
CSTE staff contact: Mia Israel
The CSTE Injury Surveillance Workshop will highlight and provide training on the implementation of surveillance tools and products developed by the CSTE Injury Surveillance Workgroup, including Special Emphasis Reports, Exploratory Indicators, Data Science Competencies, and Data Linkage projects. The workshop is open to anyone who registers, but Injury Surveillance Workgroup members are highly encouraged to attend. Presenters and attendees will include CSTE members, workgroup leadership, and CDC representatives from the National Center for Injury Prevention (NCIPC).
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Legionnaires’ Disease (IN-PERSON ONLY)
Distilling Down Best Practices and the Latest and Greatest Guidance for Legionnaires’ Disease
CSTE staff contact: Ashley Vineyard
This interactive Legionnaires’ disease workshop will review best practices in prevention, surveillance, investigations, and outbreak response, as well as emerging topics and new CDC resources. The workshop is targeted toward public health surveillance epidemiologists, environmental health specialists, drinking water professionals, laboratory professionals, healthcare licensing and investigations professionals, and healthcare-associated infections professionals interested in Legionella in the environment, Legionnaires’ disease cases, and outbreak investigations. Health departments will share their experiences and lessons learned during legionellosis clusters, outbreaks, and investigations through brief presentations and group discussions.
10:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Occupational Health Surveillance (VIRTUAL)
Occupational Health Surveillance: Surveillance Skills, Stretches, and Strategies
CSTE staff contact: Cailyn Lingwall
The CSTE 2022 Occupational Health Workshop will focus on highlighting risk factors for occupational injuries and illnesses. The objective of the workshop will be to address regional and national injury and illness trends in the workplace, and to explore how increased and enhanced occupational health surveillance can help reduce occupational risks.
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
REDCap Training Workshop
An Introduction to REDCap Basics
CSTE staff contact: Alexis Darden
This virtual, half-day (~4 hr.) training, “REDCap 101: An Introduction to REDCap Basics,” will provide an opportunity to learn about REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture, https://www.project-redcap.org/) and how to take advantage of some of its key features.
This training is ideal for new REDCap users who want to get an overview of REDCap functionalities. This training will cover the following topics:
- Building a project
- Enhancing projects with action tags, calculations, and piping
- Collecting data
- Managing users and data
- Use other helpful features
Target Audience: Epidemiologists, informaticians, data analysts, anyone interested in web-based data collection, REDCap beginners
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
State Epi Forum – Invitation Only (IN-PERSON ONLY)
CSTE staff contact: Jennifer Lemmings
This convocation on Sunday June 19, 2022 of State Epidemiologists is in response to feedback we have received to provide more opportunities for State Epidemiologists to convene and discuss priority issues early in the Annual Conference. Participation is limited to the State Epidemiologist (or designee) from each jurisdiction along with the CSTE Executive Board. This year’s workshop will include discussion and networking opportunities along with other high priority topics identified by the CSTE Executive Board and requests from State Epidemiologists.
10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Substance Use (VIRTUAL)
Substance Use Conversations From the Bluegrass Lands to the Seas
CSTE staff contact: Danielle Boyd
The full-day workshop will engage those working in substance use surveillance in meaningful discussions surrounding new trends in substance use surveillance and highlight surveillance projects throughout the US. Opportunities for peer to peer learning will be provided to share experiences and identify common challenges. Presenters and attendees will include CSTE members, CSTE partners, CDC Overdose Data to Action recipients, and CDC representatives from the CDC NCIPC Division of Overdose Prevention.
10:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Surveillance/Informatics (VIRTUAL)
Leading the Field with Data Modernization
CSTE staff contact: Shaily Krishan
This full day virtual workshop, “Surveillance/ Informatics: Leading the Field with Data Modernization”, will provide interactive learning opportunities around data modernization and its impact on public health surveillance. The goals of this workshop are to:
- Explore how modernized data exchange, data sharing, standards, and data access will impact public health surveillance practices, and how the workforce needs to adapt.
- Elucidate roles of the entities involved in the current Health Information Technology landscape.
- Discuss how to “democratize data” by making it more available within and beyond public health while protecting privacy, building trust, and enhancing use.
- Consider strategies to engage public health leadership in building a sustainable informatics workforce and adopting shared technology solutions across systems and applications.
- Explore current data standardization efforts across the spectrum of healthcare, public health, and federal entities.
- Facilitate guided discussions across organizational and disciplinary boundaries.
Discussion topics will include:
- Changing public health surveillance practices due to data modernization, adaptability of the public health workforce, and modernization efforts at CDC.
- Leadership buy-in to address workforce needs, promote shared solutions and strategies for Infectious Disease (ID) and non-ID informatics needs.
- Increased public availability of health data, public health data stewardship, improvements in health equity related data collection.
- Utility of approaches such as Master Patient Index, Privacy Preserving Record Linkage, and Integrated Analysis to address data sharing and privacy issues.
- Examples of data modernization related implementation scenarios at health departments.
Target Audience: Epidemiologists, informaticians, data analysts, data scientists, public health leadership, public health associations, and public health partners.
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Vectorborne Disease (VIRTUAL)
Racing to Stay Ahead of Vector-Borne Diseases
CSTE staff contact: Ashley Vineyard
This workshop will highlight the current status of tick- and mosquito-borne diseases as well as the some of the latest vector control technologies and strategies. The final list of speakers/topics will be made when we have the draft agenda for the CSTE conference to ensure the workshop complements presentations and roundtables happening later in the week. The workshop will provide ample time for discussion and sharing of best practices.