2025 CSTE Annual Conference
Grand Rapids, MI | June 8-12, 2025
Information in these guidelines relates to an in-person event. Additional speaker and moderator instructions will be provided at a later date. Proposals for presentations at the 2025 CSTE Annual Conference should be made using the formal online abstract process. The Program Planning Committee will evaluate abstracts based on a number of criteria, including timeliness, relevance, design, clarity, outcomes, and potential impact. All abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract system no later than Tuesday, January 7, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. ET. Proposals that are incomplete, late, or submitted in an inappropriate format will not be considered.
November 6, 2024 |
Open: Call for Abstracts |
January 7, 2025 |
Deadline: Call for Abstracts |
February 4, 2025 |
Open: Registration and Hotel Accommodations |
February 20, 2025 |
Open: Call for EpiVision Abstracts (NEW!) |
March 6, 2025 |
Invitation Sent: Presenting Authors & Moderators |
March 6, 2025 |
Open: Call for Late-Breaker Abstracts |
March 20, 2025 |
Deadline: Call for Late-Breaker Abstracts |
April 10, 2025 |
Invitation Sent: Late-Breaker & EpiVision Presenting Authors |
April 10, 2025 |
Deadline: Presenter & Moderator Invitation Response |
April 17, 2025 |
Deadline: Early Bird Registration |
May 9, 2025 |
Deadline: Hotel Reservations |
May 22, 2025 |
Deadline: Advance Presentation Upload |
General Information
Abstracts must represent the work of the authors listed and appropriately referenced.
Abstracts are limited to 400 words, not including the title and speaker bio.
The use of “all caps” should be limited to acronyms generally accepted in the field and names of organization; the full organization name on first reference.
Submit each individual abstract to the appropriate topic. Review the list of topics carefully to determine which one might be most appropriate for your subject area.
Duplicate abstracts will not be considered.
Concluding statements such as “to be completed” should be avoided.
All information should be reviewed prior to submission to ensure completeness; abstract revisions are permitted at any time before the abstract submission deadline.
Abstracts may not be modified after the submission deadline during the review period. Presenting authors may make minor changes after an abstract is accepted until the invitation response deadline.
By submitting an abstract, please make sure you or an alternate presenting author are committed to attending the in-person conference and giving the presentation if the abstract is accepted. All presenting authors are required to register for the conference and pay related fees. CSTE does not provide a travel allowance, honorarium, or reimbursement for attending the conference.
There are no restrictions on the number of abstracts you may submit or the number of submissions you may be selected to present. Abstracts submitted to another conference may be submitted to the CSTE Annual Conference for consideration.
CSTE membership is not required but encouraged to submit an abstract.
Work created in the course and scope of employment by an author is the copyright of the agency should the author leave employment prior to presentation and therefore at the agency’s discretion of presentation at the conference.
CSTE does not accept abstracts for promotion of services and/or goods. All abstracts should be scientifically based.
Choosing a Presentation Format
While the Program Planning Committee will attempt to honor the submitted format for presentations, this will not always be possible.
Findings are presented on a specific topic within a breakout session with the opportunity for audience Q&A. Presentations are all 10 minutes with only one (1) presenting author slot available for the submitted abstract. Some committees may select abstracts for presentations that are less than 10 minutes.
A visual illustration on a poster board that summarizes findings by way of limited text, graphics, and photographs. Presentations are limited to only one (1) presenting author per submitted abstract. Poster presentations will not have audiovisual equipment available.
Informative presentation focusing on recent findings or innovative topics, with substantial opportunity for discussion among attendees. Presentations are limited to up to two (2) presenting author slots available for the submitted abstract. Abstracts submitted for discussion presentation will not be considered for other presentation types. Discussion sessions will not have projectors, screens, notetaking materials (e.g. notepads, etc.), or notetaking by CSTE staff but will have adequate audio equipment for the meeting room.
Presentation Format | Breakout | Poster | Discussion |
Key Attributes | Oral presentation requiring review and discussion | Visual display of graphics, diagrams, and limited text | Discussion-based topic where audience feedback and participation maximized |
Abstract Requirements | Background, Method, Results, Conclusion | Background, Method, Results, Conclusion | Key Objectives, Brief Summary |
Presentation Length | 10 minutes | 30 minutes of information sharing and discussion | 5-10 minutes of information sharing |
Q&A | 10-20 minutes at end of session | During discussion | During discussion |
# of Presentations in Session | 5-6 presentations | Multiple | 1-2 presentations |
Session Length | 75 minutes | Informal presentation during 30 minute breaks | 45 minutes |
Audio/Visual Equipment | LCD projector and laptop | None | Audio only |
# of presenters allowed | 1 presenting author | 1 presenting author | Up to 2 presenting authors |
EPIVISION PRESENTATION – Bringing data to life through demonstrations and dashboards!
New for the 2025 Annual Conference, CSTE invites attendees to share case studies and best practices for demonstrations and dashboards through an EpiVision presentation. All presentations will be held within the Networking Hall and may be within a sponsored session. The call for EpiVision abstracts will open on February 20, 2025, and close on March 20, 2025. For more information on sponsoring the EpiVision stage and/or sessions, please contact [email protected]. More information on abstract and presentation criteria coming soon!
Online Abstract System
Please follow all directions provided in the online abstract system to ensure your abstract is entered correctly. The system divides the submission process into steps so that information can be entered, previewed, and saved at each step. The steps in the submission process are shown as links in the left navigation panel. At any time in the process, you may navigate between steps to make revisions or corrections. By following the directions on each page in the submission process, you will automatically proceed through every step needed to submit an abstract.
Abstracts will be divided into topics for review and programming purposes based on topic areas. The Program Planning Committee reserves the right to reassign your abstract within topics and/or corresponding committees.
All abstracts will be submitted directly into abstract topics, which will be reviewed by committees. A complete list of abstract topics and corresponding committees can be found here. All sessions will still be planned and facilitated by conference committees. The 2025 committee aligns with CSTE’s revised Steering Committee structure. Learn more at www.cste.org.
- The title is not included in the abstract word count; however, titles should not exceed 185 characters.
- Title case should be used where the first word and all other major words (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and some conjunctions are capitalized.
- Articles such as the, a, an, and, but, for, or and nor should be in lowercase
- Lowercase the part of a proper name that would be lowercased in text
- Do not begin paper titles with “The”.
- Do not end title with a period.
- Use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract.
- Do not use abbreviations, unless they are widely accepted by the field (for example, HIV/AIDS is acceptable in place of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Deficiency Syndrome).
The presenting author must complete all disclosure and permission questions on the submission form.
Choose between one and three keywords from the available list that is most relevant to your abstract.
- A presenting author is defined as an individual person who will actually present at the conference.
- The submitting author is the author that completes the online abstract submission process. This person is usually involved with the abstract as a presenting author or co-author.
- By submitting an abstract, please make sure you or an alternate presenting author are committed to attending the in-person conference and giving the presentation if the abstract is accepted. All presenting authors are required to register for the conference and pay related fees. CSTE does not provide a travel allowance, honorarium, or reimbursement for presenting authors.
- Work created in the course and scope of employment by an author is the copyright of the agency should the author leave employment prior to presentation and therefore at the agency’s discretion of presentation at the conference.
- The primary contact for communication should be identified as the first presenting author when other presenting authors are permitted.
- Presenting author(s) must complete brief bio information on their background experience that should not exceed 100 words. If selected for oral presentation, this information will be utilized by the session moderator to properly introduce you. This information may be shortened by the moderator to ensure presentations stay on time.
- To assist session moderators in correct pronunciation of presenting author’s name, correct pronunciation is required in bio section. Use the sounds like or phonetic spelling like the examples below:
- Jane Knowles silent K, sounds like “noles”
- Allie Pyan Pie-n, like Ryan but with a P
- Lisa Takeuchi Tah-keh-oo-chee
- Abstracts should include all pertinent presenting author contact information.
- Co-authors who are not presenting but contributed substantially to the study design, statistical analysis, or interpretation may be listed as a non-presenting author. Up to fifteen (15) co-authors may be included.
- When adding a Presenting or Co-Author, please search for, update, and use existing records, where applicable, instead of creating a new record.
- Formal letters of invitation are sent by email from the CSTE National Office by Thursday, March 6, 2025. All authors receive a formal communication regarding the Program Planning Committee’s determination. However, only presenting authors have system access to accept or decline an invitation.
- It is the responsibility of the first presenting author to communicate with any presenting co-authors prior to the presentation. For breakout presentations, the presenting author is responsible for coordinating the presentation with the moderator selected by the Program Planning Committee in that session.
- If you need to update your contact information, including email address or employer, choose “Select and Edit” on the Author tab. Updating your existing profile will help you keep historical records of all your abstracts in one place!
- Background: Study objective(s), hypothesis, or a description of the program.
- Methods: Study design and appropriate statistical analysis.
- Results: Specific results in summary form.
- Conclusions: Description of the main outcome(s) of the study.
- Key Objective or Discussion Points: Learning objective(s) for the discussion.
- Brief Summary: Description of the discussion.
- Discussion Questions: Questions or topic to be explored during the session intended to kickstart discussion.
After you complete Step 1 – Topic selection, you will receive an email from [email protected] with the subject line “Submission Initiated” and your abstract title. The email content will include the ID for the abstract. Each abstract submission will have a separate ID. Presenting authors should use the same email address for all submissions and to access your User Portal, where you may be prompted to create a password linked to your email address to access all your submissions in one place. You may view and edit an abstract any time before the abstract submission deadline on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Abstracts may not be modified after the submission deadline during committee review. If your abstract is accepted for presentation, minor content changes may be made by contacting [email protected] no later than Thursday, April 10, 2025. Author changes may be made online before the abstract submission deadline and after invitation until Thursday, April 10, 2025.
After you have completed all steps in the process and are ready to submit an abstract for consideration, please carefully proofread your abstract on the final step – “Confirmation”. To complete your submission, select “Conclude Submission” on the last step. You must correct all errors or omissions before the abstract can be submitted as final. Once you have completed the abstract, you will receive an email confirmation that the abstract has been received. If you exit the system without completing all steps, your abstract will be considered incomplete. You must receive a confirmation email for your abstract to be considered received.
Forgot Password?
If you forgot your User Portal password, use the Reset Password link on the portal. CSTE staff do not have access to your password, so you will be required to utilize that link if needed.
Invitation Response
Formal letters of invitation and regret are sent by email from the CSTE National Office by Thursday, March 6, 2025. All authors receive a formal communication that informs them of the Planning Committee’s decision. Presenting authors with an accepted abstract will receive a link to their online User Portal where you may view session details, respond to the invitation, and upload your presentation. Co-authors with an accepted abstract will receive a determination email, but not a link to the online User Portal. The deadline for responding to the invitation to present is Thursday, April 10, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET using the online link. Presenting authors that fail to respond by the deadline will be considered accepted and expected to present or find a replacement presenting author. Failure to present an accepted abstract could result in disqualification from presenting an abstract at future conferences. If unforeseen circumstances arise after the invitation deadline and a presenting author cannot present, contact [email protected] as soon as possible. All presenting authors are expected to register for the conference and pay related fees.
Withdrawal of an abstract can be made at any time during submission and review. The deadline to decline presentation or withdraw after invitation acceptance is Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET and should be done utilizing the online abstract system. Withdrawal of a presentation after invitation acceptance or after the deadline should be communicated by email to [email protected]. Withdrawals made after the invitation deadline, failure to present an accepted abstract, or find a replacement presenting author could result in disqualification from presenting an abstract at future conferences. Please also see Invitation Response.
Students are encouraged to submit abstracts for sessions offered at the CSTE Annual Conference. To be eligible for consideration, abstracts must be authored by students currently enrolled full time in an undergraduate or graduate program who are actively pursuing a degree in public health or related field. Discounted registration fees are offered to qualified students.
Late Breaker Abstracts
Abstracts containing truly late-breaking research or outbreak or event responses not available at the regular abstract deadline may be submitted as late breakers. During submission, authors are required to justify why their abstract is a late breaker. Abstracts are only considered for presentation during a Breakout Session on Wednesday morning of the conference. Late breaker abstracts are highly competitive as space is limited.
- The late breaker abstract submission process will open on Thursday, March 6, 2025
- All late breaker abstracts must be submitted via the abstract submission website by Thursday, March 20, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. ET.
- Only one presenting author per presentation will be allowed during the late breaker session.
- Formal letters of invitation for late breaker presentation are sent by email from the CSTE National Office by Thursday, April 10, 2025.
Presenter Disclosure
Presenting authors must disclose to participants prior to speaking any significant financial interest or other relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) or provider(s) of any commercial services discussed in a session presentation and with any commercial supports of the activity. This pertains to relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other corporations whose products or services are related to the subject matter of the presentation topic. Having an interest or affiliation with a corporate organization does not prevent a speaker from making a presentation, but the relationship must be made known in advance to the audience. Questions regarding CSTE presenter disclosure should be directed to the CSTE National Office.
Presidential Priorities Award
Each year, the President of CSTE sets forth a list of Presidential Priorities. These are key areas impacting the field of applied epidemiology that the organization, Executive Director, and Executive Board works to advance during the year. Presidential Priorities change from year to year based on the current CSTE President. The 2024-2025 CSTE President is Catherine M. Brown, DVM, MSc, MPH, State Epidemiologist and State Public Health Veterinarian, Massachusetts.
- The abstract must contribute to the overall Presidential Priority: One Health approaches that recognize the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.
- The project, analysis, surveillance, or outbreak response must demonstrate collaborative and transdisciplinary approaches to One Health.
- Demonstrated focus on coordinated communication, response, and/or multisectoral surveillance to bridge public, environmental and animal health sectors.
- The abstract must contribute to the overall Presidential Priority: One Health approaches that recognize the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment
- The presenter must be from a state, territorial, tribal, or local health department; federal employees are not eligible.
- Abstract must be selected to present an oral presentation, discussion, or poster; late-breaker or EpiVision abstracts are not eligible
The award recipient will be presented with a commemorative plaque at the Annual Conference. Presenters interested in being considered must submit their abstract into the Presidential Priorities topics within the online abstract system. Depending on the quality and quantity of eligible abstracts, a session may be organized for eligible, finalist presentations.
Poster presentations are an important and valued part of the CSTE Annual Conference. CSTE will recognize the work of poster presenters by offering CSTE Steering Committee Poster Awards in Chronic Disease & Maternal and Child Health; Environmental Health & Occupational Health; Health Equity and Tribal Epidemiology; Health Security, Policy & Law; Infectious Diseases; Injury, Substance Use & Mental Health; Surveillance & Informatics; and, Workforce Development.
Only abstracts submitted and accepted for poster presentation at the 2025 CSTE Annual Conference will be eligible. Planning Committee members or members of their committee may select up to five abstracts for a poster award. Only one poster per presenter may be considered. The nomination criteria are as follows:
- Scientific content, including originality, study design and analysis;
- Public health impact; and
- Exemplifies the effective and innovative application of epidemiologic methods in an investigation or study.
Poster Award Finalists will be announced by March 6, 2025. Each finalist will have their poster displayed during the conference from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday morning when the Networking Hall closes.
CSTE Award in Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities
RWJF Award
The “Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Award for Outstanding Epidemiology Practice in Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities” was established by CSTE to recognize an individual presenter at the CSTE Annual Conference whose professional work advances public health knowledge through epidemiology and applied research in racial and ethnic disparities and improves public health practice through effective use of data and epidemiology
- Abstract should address racial and ethnic health disparities.
- Speakers should be from a state or local health department; federal employees are not eligible.
- Abstract is selected to present an oral or poster presentation; roundtable and late breakers are not eligible.
- Impact of work in the field of eliminating health disparities.
- Contribution/translation to practice.
- Policy implications for evoking long-term change in eliminating and preventing health disparities.
- Quality of poster or breakout session presentation.
The award recipient will be presented with a commemorative plaque and a $1,000 honorarium at the conference. Presenters interested in being considered must apply through the abstract submission process by the deadline. Late-breaker or EpiVision abstracts are not eligible for consideration.
CSTE typically issues media passes to appropriate outlets interested in covering the Conference. Credentialed reporters may attend all portions of the event.
Continuing Education
Continuing education for this activity is pending. The conference website will be updated with final announcement and details.
Contact the CSTE National Office at (770) 458-3811 or [email protected] or visit csteconference.org.